Crosswind is a nonprofit 501c3 regional missions organization facilitating a network of individuals, social agencies, businesses and churches to make a difference in our community. Since 2005, our mission has been to help
marginalized and hurting people meet practical needs through relationship-based care.
We take the gospel in word and deed to the margins of our city. That’s what we do. Lots of ways to say it but that’s our call, our brand, our contribution to the kingdom. The people that God bring to share life with us may come for many reasons but will stay because our call becomes theirs. It is a hope that the people of God in our city will unite on behalf of “the least of these” to see our city transformed by Jesus. We believe that Jesus taught His people to love their neighbors as themselves through acts of service, humility, and kindness.

Our strategy as an effective gospel mission is to present specific ministry directives to our community (counseling, outreach, homeless support) but keep our overall mission statement less rigid in order that we might adapt to the ever changing needs of our community. We strive to keep a pulse on the current needs of our neighbors and ultimately inspire people of faith to take action and provide solutions. As local missionaries we provide a catalyst as much as we do direct care.

Big gifts sometimes come in the smallest packages. Crosswind had its humble beginnings as a bible study of just 14 people and has since exploded into a vibrant missional movement in northeast Mississippi. In the wake of hurricane Katrina in August of 2005, many people from the gulf coast were forced north into Mississippi and into our community.
In a matter of days, our small bible study created a resource command center and fed over 100 people daily for over a month while they tried to put their lives back together. We aided in securing housing and clothes for those who lost everything. This mobilization of relationship-based help caused us to realize that there was a huge need for community relief outreach…not only in a disaster situation…but in everyday life struggles as well. As a result, God brought together a core group of 20 adults to cast the vision for Crosswind. That’s how it all started.
We never felt called away from the traditional church structure…we were simply called to a different way of thinking
(and a different way of living). Proximity requires responsibility. Crosswind belongs to God. It isn’t our story…it’s His.
We are grateful to everyone who has walked this journey with us.

Crosswind is a board led 501c3 non-profit. The executive director and staff serve Crosswind and it’s board
to accomplish the mission and vision established by the board inside the fiscal guidelines provided.
Bobby CappsExecutive Director / D-Div / Director Of Biblical Counseling
After giving his life to Christ in 1987, Bobby attended Southwestern Theological Seminary and received his Divinity degree (1991). He later founded Estrella Mountain Church in Goodyear, AZ where he served for 12 years before moving his family to Mississippi in 2007. He was hired as Executive Director of Crosswind in 2008 and is currently serving as Director Of Biblical Counseling. He and his wife Jackie have 5 married children and 8 grandchildren.
Angel QuinnOutreach Director
Angel is married to Jordan Quinn and they have two wonderful children, Brody and June Grace. She received her BS degree in Biology from Georgia in 2007 and a Master of Arts in Leadership Studies from Beulah Heights University in 2009. Angel started serving in outreach ministry in Atlanta at 18 years old and brought years of experience after transitioning to Corinth. Since August 2014, Angel has coordinated Crosswind's serving opportunities for our community. She also serves as the Community Coordinator for One By One Ministries in Corinth.
Rick WillisMercy Ministry Coordinator
After graduating from Freed-Hardeman University Rick married Linda Byrd from Blytheville, Arkansas and soon afterwards they moved to Tupelo,Ms. where he began his financial career which consisted of 14 years with General Motors Acceptance Corporation and 28 years with BancorpSouth. He eventually moved to Corinth as Market President and retired after a 28 years career with them. He and Linda have 2 daughters and 3 granddaughters.
We believe in the one true and living God, in three Persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, who is invisible, personal, omnipresent, eternal, dependent on none, unchanging, truthful, trustworthy, almighty, sovereign, omniscient, righteous, holy, good, loving, merciful, long-suffering and gracious.
1 Cor. 8:4,6; John 4:24.
We believe that Almighty God has revealed all that is necessary to life and salvation in the sixty six books of Holy Scripture which are the Word of God. All Scripture was given by inspiration of God, is infallible and inerrant, and is the final arbiter in all disputes. Its authority is derived from its Author and not from the opinions of men.
Service Time: The Gathering is on Sunday Nights @ 5pm
Location: Crosswind is located at 703 Tate Street in Corinth, Mississippi
Office Hours: M-F 8:00-5:00
Counseling Hours: By Appointment Only