We realize that authentic faith means we are going to have to do more than simply tell people about Jesus,but that we will have to care consistently for them and not merely seasonally or in a “hit and miss” fashion.
Crosswind’s outreach strategy can best be visualized through specific ministry objectives with measurable goals within the community. The multiple outreach programs here at Crosswind touch the physical and spiritual needs of people from all walks of life. Through these ministries, genuine relationships develop which become an encouragement to Christians
and a path for people to receive the best gift we have to offer…a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Homeless Housing
Crosswind is a board member and referral partner of Mississippi United to End Homelessness (MUTEH). We work with all of the federal housing grant programs in order to ensure that all individuals who qualify as being literally homeless receive permanent housing. Once housed, we provide case management support and job placement support for the individuals and families. For emergency housing solutions, the Crosswind staff provides transportation to regional shelters at no cost.

School Partnerships
Crosswind conducts life skills classes at the Alcorn County Alternative School every Wednesday during the school year. Our staff partners with the Oasis Medical Center as certified facilitators for the “I Am Enough” program. This program is a cutting edge curriculum that teaches sex education and life skills to area youth ages 5th-8th grade.
After School Tutoring
Homework Club is a Crosswind after school tutoring program consisting of volunteers who help students with homework at their subsidized apartment complexes after school. With permission from parents, we have a ‘report card check’ and help children stay on track throughout the school year. Homework Club helps students maintain their level of studies while building loving and lasting relationships with students and families in the community.

New Mother Mentoring
Crosswind is the regional headquarters for One-By-One Mentoring. This program trains local female volunteers and pairs them with young women who have just become new mothers. This program is a partnership with the Oasis Medical Center.
Life Skills Summer Camp
Crosswind has two certified facilitators through Life Skills International . In 2018, Crosswind purchased the curriculum for young people who have been exposed to significant childhood trauma. Life Skills Summer Camp was created by Crosswind Staff in order to reach affected young boys and girls during the Summer months when the kids are out
of school. The Life Skills Summer Camp is 3 weeks long and meets 3 days per week.

Prison Ministry
Crosswind staff conducts Short-Term (12 weeks) Alcohol and Drug Recovery classes, Long-Term (26 weeks) Alcohol and Drug Recovery classes, and Bible/Theology classes at the Alcorn County Regional Correctional Facility in Corinth, MS.
Community Resources
Crosswind creates, updates, and distributes community resource information. Food Assistance, Utility and Rental Assistance, Medical Assistance, Dental Assistance, Prescription Assistance, and Addiction Recovery Assistance are just a few of the areas we provide support for.

Training and Mobilization
Volunteers are a tremendous resource for charitable nonprofits. Without volunteers, Crosswind would not be able to conduct successful outreach programs, raise funds, or serve our neighbors efficiently. Training local Believers who want to serve their community and giving practical service opportunities to local missionaries is a priority.